Energy performance diagnostic (DPE)

The DPE has been compulsory since 1st November 2006 

Originally intended for application on 1st July 2006, application of the energy performance audit (DPE) was postponed until 1st November 2006 for property sales and until 1st July 2007 for the rental market and new buildings. 
Where a preliminary sale agreement has been signed before 1st November 2006, the final deed of sale must be accompanied by an energy performance audit (DPE) if it is signed after 31st October.

After 1st November, the energy performance audit must be attached to the preliminary sale agreement or, failing that, to the final deed of sale. 

This is stated in the application decree for this audit. The same text details the schedule and methods for auditing an indoor gas installation. Decree 2006-1147 was examined by the State Council on 25th July and published in the "Journal Officiel" on 15th September 2006: 

This audit shows the energy consumption of the property, makes a comparison with reference situations (in terms of energy performance and CO2), and provides recommendations and priorities on works to reduce consumption. 

In addition, existing thermal legislation aims to increase performance in housing subject to improvement works. 

During construction or extension of a building, the project manager must have an energy performance audit (DPE) carried out by a competent, insured professional. He must provide this audit to the owner on the date of building acceptance at the latest. 

The energy performance audit (DPE) is for information only. The buyer or tenant cannot use the information contained in this report to make a claim against the owner.