
Your obligations as a property vendor or lessor 

From 1st July 2007, obligation to produce an energy performance audit for any rental 

  Property Since Zones The Law Validity
Termites All types of construction  According to département prefecture order According to département prefecture order To be attached to the final deed of sale. Law of 8th June 1999 and decree of 3rd July 2000.  6 months
Asbestos All types of construction for which planning permission was issued before 1st July 1997 1st September 2002 Throughout France To be attached to the "compromis de vente" (preliminary sale agreement) Decree of 7th February 1996 amended by the decree of 2nd May 2002.  Unlimited if no asbestos present
Lead All types of construction for which planning permission was issued before 1st January 1949 Decree 2006-474 of 25th April 2006 Throughout France To be attached to the "compromis de vente" (preliminary sale agreement) Law of 29th July 1998 and its application decrees. Law of 9th August 2004. From 12th August 2008 compulsory for rental. If presence detected 1 year (sale) 6 years (rental), otherwise unlimited. 
Carrez law measurment Co-ownership lots only, whatever their uses 19th June 1997 According to département prefecture order To be attached to the "compromis de vente" (preliminary sale agreement) Article 46 of the law of 10th July 1965 and the decree of 17th March 1967 concerning co-ownership. Unlimited if not modified
DPE(energy performance audit) Any building or part of a building except: temporary structures 2 years old or less, places of worship, buildings primarily for industrial, agricultural or artisanal use, independent buildings with a gross floor area of less than 50 m2, historic monuments. 1st November 2006 (sale) 1st July 2007 (rental)  Throughout France

The energy performance audit must be attached to the preliminary sale agreement or provided on signature of the lease. 

10 years
ERNT(natural and technological hazards report)  All types of construction

1st June 2006 (sale and rental) 

Order your ERNT online HERE 

Throughout France

The natural and technological hazards report must be attached to the preliminary sale agreement or provided on signature of the lease. 

6 mounths
GAZ All types of residential premises 1st November 2007 (sale) Throughout France Concerns all individual installations over 15 years old. Hot water or heating, cooking appliances - Visual checks on pipes, connections, ventilation and combustion. To be attached to the deed of sale.  3 years